Here is a list of hip hop dance terminology and hip hop dance moves so that you can improve your dance vocabulary.
Hip-hop dance is forever evolving and new steps are being invented every day.
Since hip-hop is itself an umbrella term, you’ll notice that many of these dance moves come from different scenes and different eras. That speaks to the versatility and eclectic roots of hip-hop dance more than anything else. It’s a truly big movement!
This list of hip-hop dance terminology and hip hop dance moves will need to be continuously updated, but for now, these are the most well-known and popular hip-hop dance moves. There is also quite a history to hip hop as a dance form and some of it you will see in the different hip-hop moves described below.
All these hip hop steps have many different variations and different ways of doing them, so nothing is set in stone.
Hip Hop Dance Moves / Hip Hop Dance Terminology
African Step
This is a house movement and is done in semiquaver timing.
The footwork is very quick. Step 1st foot back diagonally, step second foot next to the first foot, and then step first foot to the front. So it looks like a back, back, front.
The airbaby is a B-Boy move and is a type of freeze with one knee resting on the corresponding elbow and both legs in the air. The knee resting on the elbow is bent.
There are different types of airbaby steps:
Reverse Airbaby: An airbaby with all the positions inverted.
One-Handed Airbaby: An airbaby with only the hand of the arm supporting the knee on the ground.
Hanging Airbaby: An airbaby without the knee resting on the elbow.

Lotus Airbaby: An airbaby with the knees in a lotus/yoga position, but one knee is still resting on the elbow.
Airbaby Spin: An airbaby spinning around.
The airchair is a b-boy hip hop dance move and in this type of freeze, the breaker stabs their elbow into their side and balances on it while keeping their legs and body in the air pointed towards the ceiling.
Double Airchair: This is an airchair with both arms stabbed at the side (contortionist-like).
Elbow Airchair: The breaker holds their body up at the waist with either one or two hands and balances on only their elbows while their feet and head are in the air.
Sidechair: The breaker stabs one elbow into their side, like the airchair, and lifts his legs and body off the ground pointing towards the side.
Chair Freeze: The breaker balances with their elbow stabbed into their side and their head on the ground. They will then place one foot on the ground and cross the other leg over it. The other elbow can be used to balance or on the side of the body for viewing appeal.
Airchair Spin: Spinning while in an airchair.
Air tracks are also B-boy power steps and there are different types. They are a full 360-degree hop on one hand and the airtrack is also used as a transition between the different air flares.
Elbow Airtrack: An airtrack done on the forearm or elbow.
Shoulder Airtrack: An airtrack, but done on the shoulder.
Air Anchor
This is a B-boy freeze where the ball of your foot supports the weight of your body. Your hand is latched onto your ankle and elbows are stabbed into your back. This hip-hop move looks very contortionist-like.
Air Flare
The Air Flare is an advanced power move starting from a 1990 or windmill, halo, or head spin position. The b-boy goes into a handstand with his body diagonal to the ground and legs spread out into a V-shape. The legs are swung like windmills/halos, in a circular motion.
Using momentum, the b-boy switches from arm to arm as the body rotates in the air.
The most difficult part of this move is the switching of the arms (while in the air) while the back of the b-boy is facing the ground. (the circular leg swing is most important in a hand transfer). It is recommended that this move is tried out on mats with a spotter first.
Here is a tutorial for an Air Flare.
Piked Air Flare or Bongo Thunder: This is an Air Flare with the legs straight together, instead of in a V-Shape.
Munch Air Flare: This is an Air Flare with the legs tucking in and kicking out creating a ‘munch’ motion.
One-Legged Air Flare: This is an Air Flare with one of the legs sticking out while the other leg is bent in. It looks like an L-shape. Sometimes it is done with the bent leg tucked into the shirt of the b-boy.
One Hand Air Flare: An Air Flare using one arm.
Elbow Air Flare: An Air Flare on the elbows. Can also be done on one elbow.
Air Flare1.5: Instead of landing on your hands after doing one rotation of an Air Flare/Airtrack, you keep your body rotating one half extra turn and land on your back without the use of your hands. This is considered one of the most difficult and most dangerous of the Air Flare/Amtrak moves.
Shoulder Air Flare or Caveman: An Air Flare with the shoulders.
The Alpha is a locking step created by Alpha Anderson. One leg is kicked forward from a crouching position while the upper body is leaning backward. The upper body can be supported by both hands or no hands at all.
Around The World
This is a house move normally done facing the side. Stand in 2nd position. The back foot slides into the front foot then the front foot lifts off the floor with the knee facing the ceiling. Jump over lifting both knees landing on the front foot then back foot. Step out to 2nd with the front foot.
Animation comes from popping and it is a style and technique where you imitate characters in an animated stop-type motion. The technique of moving rigidly and jerkily is by tensing muscles and using techniques similar to strobing and the robot making it appear that the dancer has been animated frame by frame.
This style was heavily inspired by the animation films created by Ray Harry Hausen like The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad (1958).
This style imitates animatronic robots. It is related to the robot style, but adds a hit or bounce at the end of each movement.
ATL Stomp
Hold the body in position and kick the left leg forward low. Hold body position and bring the left leg back with the knee bent keeping the body in position. Scuff the left foot next to the right and jump feet together to the left side. The right-hand fists are in the left palm and the elbows are lifted.
Baby Freeze
This is a B-boy hip-hop move in which one hand is stabbed and the head and opposite hand are used for balance in a tripod position. While both legs are held in the air commonly with the opposite leg’s knee of the balancing arm placed on the balancing arm.
Back Spin
Also, a B-boy move and one of the first spinning and famous power moves ever made. The breaker is balled up and spinning on his or her back.
Bankhead Bounce
This is a hip-hop move where the shoulders lift up and down together, and the upper body moves from side to side with the elbows bent in the waist. The forearms move from side to side.
Bart Simpson
Also, an early hip-hop move where the feet are in 1st to start. Elbows are bent at 90 degrees while you pop your lower arms up to the ceiling. Next step out to the side with one leg while the other leg’s knee turns in. The foot slides along the floor to end with feet together. The forearms drop and pull across the chest to the opposite side of the step, like pulling along a rope.
The Beam
The Beam is counted & 1, 2, 3, 4. On & 1, jump crossing the legs in front and out to 2nd then grove for 3 counts with the arms out.
Beat It Up
This is a hip-hop move where you start stepping right foot back to a split 1st placing the arms horizontally in front of the chest. The right palm is on the left palm and the elbows are out to the sides and well-lifted. The body leans back to RDB, moving the body to face the front starting to transfer the weight to the left. Elbows drop and back of hands touch and arms are in a cross position. Weight on the left leg and hands lower with elbows up to end right palm on the left palm. The body then leans back to LDB. The counting is 1 & 2.
Beginner Freeze
A basic B-boy freeze in which you are on your back, high on your shoulders. The hands are on the back of the waist and elbows are stabbed into the ground.
Belly Swim
A B-boy move that happens while lying on your back. Splay out your arms and turn onto your belly then sweep your arms out in front of you to return to your back all the while using a continuous ‘swimming’ motion.
The Bernie is done by swaying side to side with the arms down using a waving action next to the hips. The dancer uses the shoulders and looks up to the sky.
Body Glide
This B-boy move is similar to a belly swim but looks like ‘Superman’ in power moves because your legs and arms remain splayed as you turn over. Unlike only using your arms to ‘swim’ you over as above, a body glide requires you to swing your legs to ‘glide’ your momentum for turning.
Body Rock or Back Rock
A move in which you lat flat on your back in B-boy and only torque your hip and legs, alternating left and right. This move is similar to the CC in footwork, only being done with your shoulders and upper back touching the ground. For example, your right foot will tap or kick over to your left while your left knee remains bent, then. your left foot will tap or kick over to your right while your right knee remains bent.
The boogaloo is a popping step and is a loose and fluid dance style trying to give the impression of a body lacking bones. This is partly inspired by animated movies and cartoons. It utilizes circular rolls of various boy parts, such as the hips, knees, and head, as well as isolation and sectioning, like separating the rib cage from the hip.
It also makes heavy use of angles and various steps and transitions to get from one spot to the next. It was developed in 1975 by Boogaloo Sam. In the original Bogaloo, you did not pop but combined with popping it becomes the Electric Boogaloo, which is the signature style of The Electric Boogaloos Dance Crew.
Bopping is a style of popping in which the chest is isolated by being pushed out and brought back while flexing the chest muscles. The popper can incorporate different moves in between the chest bop according to the beat of the music. The chest pop can also be done in double time.
Break Down/Rocksteady
This is a locking step done in a squatting position. The pelvis is shifted to the side then bak to the centre. Stand up, then return to the squatting position again and repeat the movement to the other side.
Break It Down
This is a hip-hop step and you step the right foot out to the right side in second with the left arm over the right arm and circling around. the body grooves twice in a relaxed style leaning to the right side. Step the right leg back to the left and continue with the groove leaning to the right side.
This is a b-boy step where you are lying down on your back. With your hands up by your head and your feet by your bottom on the ground, you push your hips up until you are arched like a bridge facing upwards. From a handstand, you could fall backways into a bridge.
Brooklyn Dance
This is almost like the Kris Kross with a different vibe. Do three jumps crossing the legs and after the third jump turn your toes in and out. Counted 1, 2, 3, & 4. Arms are normally punched downward on landings and chicken arms on & 4, but be done in many different ways. When jumping, lift the ankles and knees.
The Cabbage Patch
This move was a sensation in the 1980s still and remains popular today. It is a hip-hop step named after the hit toy dolls from the same era.
The Cabbage Patch is a really easy hip-hop dance move. With your hands in fists, you make an “around the world” rotation while sidestepping. Throw in a little hip shake for flair–and a core workout!
Cherry Heel
Step back and forward counted as & 1, & 2, etc. The back step is on a flat foot and the front foot stays on the ball. This move is also sometimes called the Pony.
City Boy
This one is about the groove. The feet stay in one place and the body grooves side to side.
Chicken Noodle Soup
Spring from one foot to the other side to side using different arm movements. It is counted 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8.
Coffee Grinder / Helicopter
This is a hip-hop dance move and is very popular as well as easy to do. Go down on one bent leg standing on your toes with your hands on either side of your bent knee. The other leg is lying flat out on the floor beside you. Swing the leg that’s on the ground. To avoid being hit by your swing leg, you pick up your hands and put them back on the floor, then use them to pick the rest of your body up lifting it over your swinging leg. Drop your body and repeat.
Crank That
This is a hip-hop move from Soulja Boy’s 2007 smash hit ‘Crank Dat Soulja Boyu’ which brought about a dance craze for the more dedicated. Anyone who has 15 minutes of time to kill could learn this dance craze and to this day this dance remains one of the most downloaded and searched-for songs of our generation.
You can read more about Soulja Boy if you scroll down this page to S.
Here is a good tutorial for you to try out.
Cat Daddy
This step is usually done with one arm in front and the other behind before rolling them like you are in a wheelchair.
Crazy Legs
Crazy legs is a popping leg-oriented style focusing on fast-moving legs, knee rolls, and twisting feet. It was developed in 1981 by Poppin’ Pete, originally inspired by the fast and agitated style of breaking by Crazy Legs from the Rock Steady Crew.
This is a b-boy dance move that involves hopping around in a circular motion while in the hand glide position. Hands pump off the floor one after the other. The styles of this include:
Hydro: Crickets pushing with both hands at the same time.
Jackhammer: Crickets, on one hand, pumping off the floor balancing the body with one elbow on the side of the abdominal section.
Lotus Jackhammer: a jackhammer done with the legs in a lotus/yoga position.
Super Jackhammer: Jumping really high while doing a jackhammer.
Darkhammer: A breakdance move where you hop from one side to the other with elbows on the side abdominal section hand to hand with balance.
Hopping Turtles: A breakdance move variation of a dark hammer that involves putting your elbow on the pocket of the abdominal side and hopping on one hand at a time while the other reaches out in front of you.
This was popularized by the infamous rivalry between the Bloods and Crips gangs. Crips members are known to execute this move after killing a rival, thus capping off the kill with their signature. Nowadays, crip-walking has gone beyond its violent origins and is now often part of every hip-hop dancer’s repertoire of moves. Snoop Dogg and Xzibit are known to have shown these in their songs’ music videos, “Drop It Like It’s Hot” and “Get Your Walk On,” respectively.
Criss Cross
This is a house move where you jump feet to 2nd, and jump feet across, normally repeated, to cross right over left to 2nd and left over right to 2nd.
C-Walk (Crip Walk)
This is a hip-hop move where you jump on the left and lift your right leg to the front of the body. The body turns to the right diagonal front and then the feet jump back together with the body still facing the corner. When the dancer lands, the front foot turns in and out before jumping to the other corner.
This is a popular new school step. The arms pull up diagonally across the face and hold for a bar. Or you could do 1, 2, 3, Dab.
Dead Freeze
The dead freeze is a b-boy move lying flat on your back or stomach without your legs or arms holding you up. It is usually done after a power move or suicide. Your hands and legs can be in any type of formation but the typical dead freeze has the body flat and straight with the hands across the chest like a corpse in a coffin.
Dime Stopping
This popping move has a technique of moving at a steady pace and then abruptly coming to a halt as if attempting to stop on a dime. This is often combined with a pop at the beginning and/or the end of the movement.
This hip-hop move was a 2010 craze named after the hip-hop pioneer Doug E Fresh. The Dougie was a dance started in Dallas that incorporated moving your body in a shimmy style and brushing your hand through or near your hair. It was massively infectious and still gets love in clubs around the world.
Down Lock
This locking move comes from an upwards position with the arm sliding down the body leading with the fingers with the elbows well lifted. The open palms face the body. When the arms reach a straight position, they move away from the body, and the elbows bend creating an egg shape.
The hands may be fisted or broken wrists or flat to complete the line You will move into the bend position very sharply and you lean forward and add in a knee pot to create the sharp effect of a body locking into a position.
The Drop
This is similar to the Nay Nay. Bounce and rock travelling backwards. On &1, the fingers lift and drop down as you step back into your first step. Lift the knee before stepping backward.
Elbow Chair
This b-boy step is a freeze where the breaker balances with their hand holding onto their side while their head and supporting elbow touch the ground. They will then place one foot on the ground and cross the other leg over it.
Elbow Freeze
This b-boy step has the breaker using one of his or her arms and elbow to support the position.
Elbow Nike
This is a b-boy freeze. Instead of being in a handstand, the breaker is supported by their elbow planted on the ground, and the other arm supports by helping to balance.
Elbow Spin
This is a spin on the elbow. B-boy Physicx is famous for using this move.
The Farmer is a house hip-hop dance move. You hop on one leg, lifting the other knee to the ceiling and beat the foot down, and lift immediately again. Hop on to the leg that did the beat, and lift the other knee to the ceiling. This can be done to the side or on the spot and the knee that is lifted will be in a turned-out position.
This is a breaking step. It is almost like kick step cross step, except now you kick step back step.
The Floss
This is a new school move that was a craze a few years ago. The body sways side to side with the arms swinging across the body in a very coordinated way.
Floor Sweep
The Floor Sweep is a locking step. Use your hand to swiftly move left to right on the floor as if using a cloth to wipe the floor.
Floating, Gliding, and Sliding
These are popping hip-hop dance moves. They are a set of footwork-oriented techniques that attempt to create the illusion that the dancer’s body is floating smoothly across the floor, or that the legs are walking while the dancer travels in unexpected directions. This style encompasses moves such as the backslide, a.k.a. the moonwalk, which was made famous by Michael Jackson.
The flag is a b-boy step and is a difficult freeze in which a one-hand handstand is maintained with both legs together leaning to one side. The body resembles a flag.
These are widely recognized b-boy power moves that involve swinging the legs around in a circular motion while balancing on the hands.
King or Hopping Flare – A flare that is done while hopping from hand to hand.
Virgin Flare/ Double Leg Circles – A flare that is done with closed legs.
Crossed-legged Flare – A flare with the legs crossed.
Twin-legged Flare– A flare with the legs straight out together.
Chair Flare – A flare starting and ending with an airchair position, much like king flares but with bent arms.
Double Chair Flare – A flare with both arms stabbed in the back creating a rotating double airchair.
Sandwich Flare– A flare with both legs in a piked position
Thread Flare – A flare that is done by threading the legs with the free arm.
One-legged Flare – A flare that is done with one leg over the breaker’s head. B-boy Rubberlegz is famous for this move.
Lotus Flare – A flare with both legs crossed over each other in a lotus or yoga position.
Another b-boy step and one of the first breakdance power moves in the 80s is an advanced version of the turtle that involves the positioning of both elbows in the pockets of the side of the abs. Both hands walk in a circular motion and balance the body straight and with control. The speed and neat body stay stationary at all times.
Forearm Spin
A b-boy step that spins on the forearm.
Funky Guitar
This is a locking hip-hop move where the hands are positioned like they are holding a guitar and the dancer bounces backward.
Gatling Gun
This is a b-boy power move where you are in a handstand, swinging your legs around you in a circular motion kicking about. B-boy Physicx is famous for inventing this hip-hop dance move.
Get Off Me
This is a hip-hop move. Step left behind right to the right wall, right arm drops down next to the body. Step right to the right wall in 2nd. Right arm starting to lift, pull right arm to the right wall leading with the elbow. The counting is 1 + 2.
Giant Swing
This is a hip-hop move. Drop the body down to RDF, both arms swing down and across each other, beat and lift left foot down to turn in the knee, starting to lift the body slightly, place the left foot down, bring the body fully back up, still facing RDF, arms down, lift and place the right foot on the heel. The counting is 1 + 2.
This is a b-boy step and is a kick with the legs and arm forming a G shape by reaching behind your back and grabbing the leg on the side of your arm on the ground.
This is a b-boy step similar to windmills. The only difference is the back roll on the ground but supported by arms while rotating thus causing this move to also spin on the side of the head like a halo. Sometimes it is called the ‘neck move’ by old schoolers.
One-Handed Halo: Halos done on one hand.
Double Halo: Doing two consecutive Halos without touching your hands on the floor after one full rotation.
Shoulder Halo: Halos is done with the shoulders.
Threading Halo: Threading while doing Halos.
Multiple Halo: doing more than two spins while doing Halos.
Toe Touch Halo: Doing Halos while touching your feet before landing a spin.
Handglide Freeze Aka Table-Top
This is a b-boy move and is a type of freeze where the breaker balances on their stabbed arm and uses their free arm for support / A1-handed Turtle.
Harlem Shake
This hip hop move is counted & a 1, & a 2, etc. The shoulders move up and down for & a lunge on count to one side with both feet on the floor.
Head Hollow Scorpio / Master Sausage
A b-boy headstand where the body is leaned over in an extreme back arch with the heels almost touching the floor.
A b-boy freeze while standing on the head, with or without hands on the floor for support.
This is a b-boy continuous spin done while balancing only on the head, the legs can vary indefinitely. Bboy Laser from Gambler Crew is widely considered the best head spinner in the world.
HeadSplide / Gromeks
This b-boy move is a combination of a headspin and a head slide where the dancer rotates around using a headspin/halo technique whilst sliding forward upon his forehead. Usually achieving between 5 and 1.5 rotations and catching it in another head move.
This b-boy move pushes off your feet while your head is on the ground and sliding forward.
Head Glide / Donut / Icy Ice
This is a b-boy spin that is performed after a windmill where your hand is planted in your side and your head drags on the ground and spins around your hand.
Heel Steps
These are done in-house. The body has a bounce on each count. Bend to place the heel of the foot to the front or diagonally. Bring back the foot into a split 1st or 2nd position. This step is normally repeated to the opposite side and the body bends down to the heel.
Heel Toe Hop
This is a house step. Place the first foot on the heel to a diagonal, turn the foot onto the ball of the foot, hopping to the opposite side, place the second foot on the heel, turn the foot onto the ball of the foot, and hop. Arms up and then crossed in front of you and then three hitchhikers thumb up to the right and then the left.
Hip Hop
A lifestyle that is comprised of four elements namely:
Breaking – Breakdancing
MCing Rapping – MC uses rhyming verses, pre-written or freestyled, to introduce and praise the DJ or excite the crowd.
DJing – The art of the disk jockey.
Graffiti – Name of images or lettering scratched, scrawled, or painted usually on buildings, trains, etc.
Footwear and clothing are part of the hip-hop style. Much of it is influenced by the original breaking crews in the 1980s from the Bronx. Sneakers are usually flat-soled and may range from Nike, Adidas, Puma, and Converse. Generally, caps are worn for spins, often with padding to protect the head. To optimize the fast footwork and floor moves, the baggy pants favored by hip-hop rappers are not seen.
Hitch Hiker’s Thumb Walk
This is a locking move and the main objective of this movement is the bounce in the walk while lifting the knees high. The hitchhiker’s hand can be done with either hand in a hitchhiker’s thumb shape with the thumb up and extended. The rest of the fingers are bent into the hand making a fist.
The elbow is into the waist and the hand is out to the respective side. The hand will rotate out on each step and rotate in on each lift of the knee on the count +. The walks can be done in any direction in any formation.
Hong 10 Freeze / Halo Freeze
A b-boy freeze popularized by Bboy Hong 10. It is like a chair freeze, but with the legs in the air.
Dead Halo Freeze – A halo freeze with your legs or feet nearly touching the ground.
A b-boy freeze involves leaning backward from a handstand position in an extreme back arch. In a true hollowback, the legs are together. Imagine ‘The Bridge’ Position, however, the feet don’t touch the ground.
Scorpion – A variant of Hollowbak where one leg reaches back farther than the other resembling the tail of a scorpion.
Invert / Ponk – A variant of the hollowback that involves bending the legs forward instead of backward. An inverted hollowback.
Lotus Hollowback – A hollowback with the legs in a lotus/yoga position.
Hollow 2000 / Rivers 2000
A variation of 2000. Similar to the spinning flag, except using 2 hands. Physicx invented and frequently uses this move as well.
House is a social dance primarily danced to house music that has roots in the clubs of Chicago and New York. It is very energetic and fast-paced.
This is a bouncy move with a leg cross that makes it perfect for any hip-hop track that features a double bass—think of that “boom boom” groove you hear in songs like “Lip Gloss” by Lil Mama.
Start by bending your knees and circling your hips to one side. Jump and cross your legs while briefly tapping the floor with your feet then jump back to your original position with your legs apart. Add in a windmill motion with your arms to complete the move.
This is from popping and is a variety of intricate moves that create the illusion of separating or isolating parts of the body from the rest of the body.
The most common type of isolations that poppers perform are head isolations, in which they seem to take their head out of place from the rest of their body and move it back in place in creative ways.
Jack The Body
In this house move the body bounces, bending the knees, almost rolling up through the body like a ripple, ending with the head. A jack runs from the knees up to the head and the body is then retracted immediately.
Also comes from house dancing and involves moving the torso forward and backward in a rippling motion like there is a wave passing through it.
This step is similar to the Charleston.
The footwork is right foot forward, back, left foot back, right foot forward then repeat with the left. As you are doing these steps the feet are twisting in and out as you go.
The video above is the Charleston, but just changing the styling of the arms makes it more hip-hoppy.
Jazz Split
A semi-split done in b-boy and locking with one leg bent, enabling the dancer to get up again in one swift movement.
Jerkin’ is a fairly recent hip-hop dance trend from the LA street scene. It involves twitchy dance moves called ‘jerks’ where the performer executes a set of leg stretches in and out, with a lot of backward leans and forward kicks, Jerkin’ is big, big, big on leg work.
Jerkin’ is more of a sub-culture trend especially if taken together with its dress code of neo-colored skinny jeans and Chuck Taylors. And yes, it looks a lot like the Dougie.
The kick is from locking and is a single powerful and high-leg kick while standing on the other leg.
Another b-boy kick with the legs and arm in a K shape. It is like an L-Kick with the corresponding arm of the extended leg as the standing arm for the body to lean to that side, with the bent leg pointed up, and the free hand reaches either to its side or reaching downward almost touching the floor. It forms a leaning K.
Knee Drop
A locking step where you drop to the knees with the knees pointing inwards into a W shape.
Knee Spin
This involves the b-boy spinning on a knee or both knees in any direction.
Kriss Kross
Lifting the right knee to the front, the body does two bounces while the right or left forearm opens out like opening a jacket against the body. Elbow bend at waist against the body or right or left arm ‘opens the door.’ This is a hip-hop move.
Krump is a hip-hop dance form and it is a street dance popularized in the United States that is characterized by free expressive, exaggerated, and highly energetic movement.
The youths who started krumping saw the dance as a way for them to escape gang life and to release anger, aggression, and frustration positively in a non-violent way.
Leo Walk
The Leo Walk is a funky locking two-step where the first step is exaggerated in a particular direction. The other foot is then slid across the floor to meet the first. I always tell my students to make a smiley face with their hips when doing this step.
L-Kick / AuBatido
This is a b-boy kick with the legs in an L shape, also seen in Capoeira.
Nike: A kick that resembles the Nike sign.
Liquids And Digits
Liquid dancing is oriented more towards dance hip hop and more laidback settings such as in glitch hop and drum n’ bass. It often involves smooth, ‘liquid-ish’ hand movements called hand flows, and digital manipulation, creating illusions and movements with the fingers.
The performer’s body is used as a contour to express a feeling or a series of interpretative gestures. Liquids and digits, like turfing, is pantomime-like in nature, often involved in telling s story and creating a visual representation of the music.
Lock / Double Lock
This is from locking and involves bending slightly forward with arms forming a circle downward as if lifting a heavy object.
Lock It Down
This move is counted &1, &2, &3, &4. On the & touch the heel of the right foot with the right hand. Cross that leg in front then jump out and cross the same foot in front again, then repeat with the left foot. Arms are normally chicken arms but can be changed.
Loose Legs
Loose legs is a house move and the first step is on the ball of the foot, knee inverted. The second step is in 2nd position. Next place the first foot on the heel of the foot, toes always turned out, and beat the same foot that was placed on the heel, on the spot.
Lowrider hip-hop moves come from popping. It is a ground move where the dancer imitates a lowrider car. The dancer drops to the ground with his/her knees inwards (reverse Indian style) and feet outward. He or she would move up, down, and around imitating the hydraulic movements of a lowrider auto.
Locking is a style of funk dance that has a history of its own. You can read more about locking here.
Millie Rock
The Millie Rock is basically a two-step with the opposite arm swiping across as you join your feet.
Miming comes from popping and involves performing techniques of traditional miming to the beat of a song. Most commonly practiced are various movements with the hands as if one could hold onto the air and pull their body in any possible direction.
Miming can also be used to allow a popper to tell a story through his or her dance. This style is often used in battles to show an opponent how they can defeat them.
Another popping move that is probably most closely associated with Michael Jackson’s beloved and iconic performance of it during his performance of Billie Jean on the Motown 25th Anniversary Special in 1983.
You know a dance move made an impact when it’s still being discussed decades later.
The moonwalk is still popular and it’s a fun dance move where you appear to be walking forward when you are actually traveling backward. It looks complicated, but the steps are very easy.
Nae Nae
The Nae Nae is a hip-hop dance that involves planting one’s feet, swaying with shoulder movement, placing one hand in the air and one hand down, and incorporating personal creativity.
Use bounce and rock action while doing this step.
One Hand Planche
This b-boy step is a variation of the planche with only one hand supporting the body. The body is as perpendicular as possible to the supporting hand, making the one-hand planche one of the hardest moves to do.
Original Kriss Kross
This hip-hop step starts by lifting the right knee up with the right ankle to your left knee. The left arm moves forward to end fist above the knee (punching to right knee) arm is slightly rounded and the body leans slightly to the right side. There is a slight bounce in the body and the left arm scoops down to extend, right leg down to split 6th.
This comes from locking and is a quick jab to the side. The wrist should be loose while the arm is tight. The arm is lowered between jabs.
Pepper Seed
This move is counted 1, 2, 3, &4. Step, step, triple step with the arms swinging low across the body.
This is a b-boy step and is a kick with both legs straight in the air and the free hand holding onto the feet.
Pimp Walk
A locking move and is a two-step involving a small kick of one leg before bringing the other foot beside it. As the other foot reaches the first one, there is a knee split into a V shape without stepping again.
Pivoting Pas de Bouree
This is from house dance. Step first foot on balls of toes facing inward, other foot swivels toes inward. Step the second foot behind the first foot, the first foot’s toes turning out and swiveling on the heel. Step first foot into split 1st.
Pivoting Skate
Another house move. Slide first foot back to diagonal, other heel lifts off the floor, arm fist to shoulder, other arm moves out low, the body leans to second foot, body facing a diagonal. Place the second heel on the floor, weight center. Place the first foot to 1st.
This is a b-boy move. The part(s) of the body that touch the ground, holding the rest of the body in position. In other words, the supports of your freeze. Examples of platforms are hand, elbow, head, shoulder, back, belly, side, and sometimes knee. The freeze could have multiple platforms. The platform of a tripod headstand would be two hands and a head. The platform of a baby freeze also has two hands and a head but the body is horizontal rather than vertical in a headstand.
Planche Push Ups
A b-boy move and is performed by lifting yourself into a full planche, doing push-ups. So it is a push-up with your whole body in the air apart from your supporting hands.
Planche / Jimmy Fingers
Also a b-boy move from gymnastics which involves both hands being on the ground, straight arms, and the rest of your body being held off the ground completely horizontally.
A quick, extended pointing gesture coming from the opposite shoulder, usually held for a few seconds for emphasis. This comes from locking.
This popping move is a style imitating a puppet or marionette tied to strings. It is normally performed alone or with a partner acting as the puppet master pulling the strings.
Push It
Lift the right leg and put it down. Lift the left leg and put it down. Lift the right leg twice and put it down. All the while you should be keeping the bounce and rock action going.
Pow Wow
The Pow Wow is a house move. Hop back on one foot and kick the other foot to the front. Hop back on the foot that executed the kick and lift the other knee.
Drop on the first foot over the other foot and the body will twist, then lift the other knee behind the body. Hop back and repeat kicking the same leg. It is almost like the Indian from B-boy, but in House, we do not swap kicks, we execute the drop to the same side every time.
Power Moves
A power move is any type of move in the B-boy niche that requires spinning and/or rotating in a way that can be done so in multiple rounds. All power moves can be connected in combos to form a ‘power combo.’ Now breakdancers all around the world have advanced these power moves to a level beyond the imagination.
Breakdancers that use mostly (power combos) in their sets are commonly known as ‘power heads.’ An example of this could be A Flare-Air Flare-Elbow Air Flare-Air Flare-1990. The possible number of combinations is endless and only limited by stamina, strength, and imagination.
Popping is a street dance and one of the original funk styles that came from California during the 1960s – 1970s. It is based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer’s body, referred to as a pop or a hit. This is done continuously to the rhythm of a song in combination with various movements and poses.
Closely related illusionary dance styles and techniques are often integrated into popping to create a more varied performance. These dance styles include the robot, waving, and tutting. However, popping is distinct from breaking and locking, with which it is often confused. A popping dancer is commonly referred to as a popper.
As one of the earliest funk styles, popping is closely related to hip-hop dancing. It is often performed in battles where participants try to outperform each other in front of a crowd, giving room for improvisation and freestyle moves that are seldom seen in shows and performances, such as interaction with other dancers and spectators. Popping and related styles such as waving and tutting have also been incorporated into the electronica dance scene to some extent, influencing new styles such as liquid, digits, and turfing.
This is a hip-hop step. The elbow bends and then punches the right forearm to the left across the chest, punch the left forearm across the chest, punch the right forearm across the chest while completing two small jumps to the right.
A popping style imitating a robot or mannequin.
Rock Away
This is a hip-hop step. The left foot steps forward, open right arm to 2nd, in line with the shoulder, palm facing down, slight head nod. Step right leg to 2nd, open left arm to 2nd, in line with the shoulder, palm facing down, keeping the right arm in position, slight head nod. Jump feet together with the knees well bent (crouch), arms starting to move forward in a circular manner, starting a body roll up. The arm reaches up to the shoulders, grabbing the shirt and letting go, body up straight. The counts are 1,2,3,4.
Rock Off
Feet start together. Jump feet together then jump kicking one leg out to the side at a time. Legs stay low, are turned out and hopping is continuous. Counted & 1, & 2, & 3, & 4.
This step is like happy feet with the leg in the air.
Roger Rabbit
This is a house step. Hop on one leg, lifting the other knee outwards to the ceiling, placing the lifted foot behind the other foot on the floor, to execute another hop, lifting the opposite knee outwards to the ceiling.
This is a hip-hop move. Ball change left right forward, swing both arms, front and diagonally down to the right side (like you are rowing), hands in fists. Place the left foot to right together and the arms come down next to the body. The counting is +1,2.
Running Headslide
This is a b-boy move. Gain momentum by sprinting and leaning your head towards the floor with your hands by your head. When your head touches the floor, kick your legs up and lift your arms so that you are only sliding on your head. To avoid injury, make sure your hands hit the floor before your head when sprinting, and also wear a beanie.
Running Man
This is a hip-hop move. The running man just may be among the most beloved hip-hop dance moves. You’ll likely have a lot of fun with this one.
Turn your side. Start with your feet together and arms hanging loosely at the sides. Lift your left leg up high as you bend your knee, forming a 90-degree angle. As you do so, also lift your arms and bend them as you would if you were actually running. Make fists with your hands.
Push down and back simultaneously with your left leg. Now, lift your right leg up as high as you did with your left leg. Bend your knee at the same time, forming a 90-degree angle. Push your arms down with more relaxed fists.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 several times in succession, and you will find yourself mastering the running man.
Salsa Step
The Salsa is a house step and is like the actual salsa step. Step forward using the hips and arms, step back to the other foot on the spot, no step back on the other foot, and then bring it back to the center.
This is a house step. The dancer slides one leg out to the side, while the body leans slightly away from the leg. Slide it back into 1st and the same arm straightens to the side of the leg. Normally repeated on both legs about four times.
You also get scissors in b-boy. It is a movement started while lying straight on your side, then bending your body in to touch your toes (simulating a scissor motion). Once you unbend and become straight again, you turn to your opposite side and repeat.
Scoo B Doo
This is a locking move created by Jimmy ‘Scoo B Doo’ Foster. Doing a muscle man lock then doing two separate kicks while pacing with one hand in time with the kicks.
Scoo B Doo Walk
This locking step was created by Jimmy again and it involves walking forward and lifting one leg up and bending your back towards the knee.
Another locking step was created by Jimmy. One arm and leg out then switching to the other leg. Leg out and arms crossed then wrist twirl and clap behind.
Scoobot Hop
Another variation of the scoobot with legs hopping towards the sides, then the front.
This popping step imitates the scarecrow character from the Wizard of Oz. The style is supposedly pioneered by Boogaloo Sam in 1977. It focuses on outstretched arms and rigid poses contrasted with loose hands and legs.
This is also a locking step. It involves rolling your arms in front of you and then lifting a hand up over your eyes as if you are looking or seeking out something.
Sexy Walk
This is similar to the Salsa. Forward step then feet together. The difference here is the knees go in and out on each step.
The Shoot
This new school step is normally done sideways to the audience and involves a kick and hop continuously. The arms normally punch in the air co ordinating with the legs.
Shoulder Lean
This is move about the groove than the move. The shoulder rolls back and leans to both sides while grooving side to side.
This is a house move. Starting in 2nd position, lift and scoop one leg to the other, knee lifting to the ceiling, one arm in running position, body bends down to the lifted knee. Step lifted knee back to 2nd, normally repeated to the opposite side.
Skanky Leg
Step out to side on a lunge and rotate opposite heel and leg for 3 counts. Lean forward with body. The step looks like you have a broken leg. Counted as 1, 2, 3, 4.
Skeeter Rabbit / Skeeter Rabbit Around The World
This is a locking step created by James ‘Skeeter Rabbit’ Higgins. It is a kick-and-shuffle hop move, either at the sides and/or front and back.
Shoulder Freeze
This is a b-boy freeze where you are holding your body up using one shoulder, one hand, and the side of your head. The other arm lies behind you and is not used to balance.
Shoulder Spin
This b-boy step is sometimes done after a windmill, but going higher to reach the shoulder and then spinning. Zesty from Gamblerz is well known for this move.
Side Slide
This b-boy move is performed on your side like a scissor. You kick a leg forward or backward spinning you on your hip axis. This move is like a side spin in power but more stylish with shorter rotation.
Sometimes the forehead or hip is touched or, the arms are folded while rotating. The dancer can also scrunch in and freeze at the end.
Side Spin
This b-boy move is sometimes done after a windmill, the side spin is balled up like the back spin except the breaker is rotating on his or her side.
Side Walk
This house move involves stepping one foot behind the other then stepping the second foot to the side. Drop on the first foot and extend and lift the other leg out to the side. Repeat to the other side. The sidewalk hip-hop move can be done to the sides or front and back.
Slide Bot
This is a house move. Drop on one leg, extending the other leg to the front to circle the leg to the back landing on an extended leg, lifting the other knee to the ceiling. The step is normally done more than once.
This is b-boy floor work. The movement starts from the feet in a wide 2nd with relaxed knees with one hand on the floor and involves walking the feet around under your body. The aim is to be light on your feet like you are running around your own arms. It must also look natural not forced. There are many variations of this step and it is very popular in the b-boy culture.
Slush / Elbow Spin
This b-boy move is a spin performed on the tip of the elbow.
South Dallas Sway
This is done corner to corner. Bounce and lift right leg and then left leg moving forward. There is a pause on the lift.
Soulja Boy
The Soulja Boy is both the stage name of a successful young rapper named DeAndre Cortez Way and the name of a hip-hop dance that he helped to popularize. Try to approach this dance with a laid-back attitude and have fun with it.
Relax your limbs and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Jump and simultaneously cross your feet. Now jump back to your starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Kick your left foot back as you bend your knee. As. you do this, touch the bottom of your foot. Twist your hips from side to side.
Now, adjust your weight and sit back on your right hip, with your left knee slightly bent. Keep your toe on the ground. Loosen up your arms and hold them just lower than shoulder height. Next, move. your arms back and forth as you twist. Lower your arms and snap your fingers as you lean back.
Bend your knee slightly, then move your right foot and touch your toe diagonally to the left. Move your left foot and touch your toe in line with your right shoulder. Bend your knee as you lift your right leg and touch your knee with your hand.
Turn to the left with your entire body. Bring. your hands together, palm to palm, and hold your hand together at chest level, pointing out.
Push off with your hands, swinging your arms to opposite sides. Lean forward while lifting your right leg with a bent knee. This step is meant to mimic flight.
Keep. your feet shoulder-width apart, then jump to the left three times before jumping to the right three times. Repeat.
As you move to the right, your arms should swing to the left and vice versa.
Repeat these steps on the other side.
Spider / Frog Splash
This is a b-boy freeze where you start in a push-up position, but with your legs on and supported by your arms. This move can also be jumped onto. It looks very contortionist-like.
Spider Hops / Frog Hops
This is done by jumping while in a spider.
Spinning Flag / Flag Spin / Rivers 1990
These b-boy hip-hop dance moves are a variation of the 1990. A b-boy rotates on his hand, but his body is doing a flag freeze. This is one of the hardest power moves. B-boy Physicx is famous for inventing and using this move.
This is a house move. Draw an imaginary line in the middle of your two feet and stand on either side of the line. Jump out on one foot while the other kicks out to the side and jump back to the line on the same foot with the other leg bent behind the supporting leg. Then jump out to the opposite side with the opposite leg.
This is a breakdance or b-boy move in hip-hop dance terminology. It is the act of stabbing the elbow up into the abs, hip, side, or back. Your hands are on the floor holding your body up horizontally off the ground. Your entire body is balanced on that elbow, making your forearm the fulcrum and it is your primary support.
Stabs are not required for all freezes, however, it is basic and a foundational requirement to advance to a more advanced level of moves and freezes.
Stanky Leg
This is a hip-hop move and was probably the most outrageous in 2009 with the hit Stanky leg. It was amongst the biggest dance crazes in hip-hop. This dance requires you to get low, wiggle one leg, and slide.
Step Cross Drag
Step the first foot to the side, step the second foot back behind the first foot, slightly jump onto the first foot normally in a diagonal direction, and then drag the other foot at the back.
Steve Martin
Stand in 2nd facing diagonal and lift the back leg and almost kick your butt, tap down turn and face leg and lift the same leg in front of you knee to chest. Counted & 1, & 2, & 3, & 4.
Stick It Role It
This is counted 1 2 3 4. It is a body ripple from the knees to the head rolling the arms in front of the tummy, then roll one knee in on ball of foot then the other on stick it.
Stop And Go
This is a locking move created by Jimmy “Scoo B Doo” Foster. Start with a muscle man lock, step back with one foot, and punch. Do a quarter turn in the direction of the back foot breakdown once, then return reach-around to the same position.
Stomp The Cockroach
This is a locking step and a ground technique that involves going on one knee and smacking the ground with your hand, indicating you are stomping something beneath you.
Strobing is a style of popping that gives the impression that the dancer is moving within a strobe light. To produce this effect, a dancer will take any ordinary movement (such as waving hello to someone) in conjunction with quick, short stop-and-go movements to make a strobing motion. Mastering strobing requires perfect timing and distance between each movement.
This is a popping dance style that originated in San Francisco in the 1970s.
This is a b-boy group of finishing moves that share some similarities to the freeze but are quite distinct. They involve jumping into the air and landing on your back, head, shoulder, etc to appear out of control.
Step, step, tripple step moving forward similar to a cha cha. Swivel turn for 5 & 6, step out to side to face front again on 7 while waving arm out and other out on 8. (counted 1 & 2, 3 & 4, 5 & 6, 7, 8)
Swipe / Stigg Swipe
This is a b-boy power move where the breakdancer starts with his hands and feet on the ground and rotates his upper body to build the momentum to rotate his lower body.
Thot Walk
This is one of those popular hip-hop dance moves where you lift the left knee forward while the right arm hands down to the floor and the chest is down to the knee. Step left forward, and extend the right arm with a broken wrist. (counting +1)
This is a way of popping where the dancer pops at smaller intervals, generally twice as fast as normal.
Toss It Up/You’ve Got Friends
The dancer transfers his weight side to side for 1&, 2&, 3&, 4& while the arms wave above the head and then across the body.
This is a popping move based on action figures such as G.I.Joe and Major Matt Mason, developed by an old member of the Electric Boogaloos called Toyman Skeet. Goes between straight arms and right angles to simulate limited joint movement.
The train is a house step where one foot slides forward on the ball of the foot while leaning back and bending both knees, opposite arm in front of the body. Slide the first foot back to 1st, slide the second foot out on the ball of the foot, lean back bending your knees, and opposite arm in front of the body. The entire step has a little hop to it.
An acronym for taking up room on the floor. Turfing is a dance style and one of those hip-hop dance moves hailing directly from Oakland, California. It is based on non-traditional ways of storytelling or representing a particular ‘turf’ or place that a dancer seeks to represent. Turfing is very improvisational and free-form, having dance moves that come from different traditions to fully express or narrate a particular life story.
Tutting/King Tut
Tutting comes from popping and is inspired by the art of Ancient Egypt. The name is derived from the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, colloquially known as ‘King Tut’).
Tutting exploits the body’s ability to create geometric positions (such as boxes) and movements with the use of right angles. It generally focuses on the arms and hands and includes sub-styles such as finger tutting.
This is a hip hop step where the body grooves down lifting right knee to chest, then stepping right leg out to 2nd and groove body upright. Repeat on the left if required.
Up Lock
This is also known as the muscle man and comes from locking. A macho man pose, where the arms are drawn above the shoulder and the pose is generally held for only a moment.
Vogue or Voguing
This is a highly stylized modern house dance that evolved out of the Harlem ballroom scene in the 1960s by African Americans. It was originally called presentation and later performance. Over the years the dance has evolved into the more intricate form that is now called ‘Vogue.’
Voguing is continually developed further as an established dance form that is practiced in the gay ballroom scene and clubs in major cities throughout the United States, mainly New York City.
Voguing gained mainstream exposure when it was featured in Madonna’s song and video ‘Vogue.’ as seen below.
This dance was inspired by Vogue magazine and is characterized by model-like poses integrated with angular, linear, and rigid arm, leg, and body movements.
Other styles of voguing include hand gestures and dramatics, although they are also referred to as part of Vogue Fem.
Hand performance refers to the illusions and movements of the arms, wrists, hands, and fingers. The duckwalk refers to the crouched, squatted, foot-kicking, and scooting movements requiring balance on the balls of the feet.
Floor performance refers to the movements done on the floor using primarily the legs, knees, and back.
Dramatic dips are executed by the performer lifting and bending a single leg ( usually standing on the toe with the other) and in rapid succession, lowering their body to the ground with minimal support to display their leg strength.
Soft dips are broken down and usually executed following a spin or duckwalk and are rarely seen executed standing up. The dip is almost always supported with one or both arms to soften the fall.
Waack/Punk is a form of dance created in the LGBT clubs of Los Angeles and it started in the 1970s disco era.
Waacking is essentially moving the arms to the music beat, typically in a movement of the arms over and behind the shoulder.
Waacking also contains other elements such as posing and footwork. There is a strong emphasis on musicality and interpretation of the music and its rhythm.
The typical music of choice for waacking is 70s disco.
Walk It Out
This is a hip-hop move created by DJ Unk in 2006 and was the epitome of southern dance moves. It is potentially the simplest on this list and all you need to do is bend your knees and walk.
A fancier way to do this would be with the feet twisting while travelling forward or backward. (twist, step, twist, step)
Waving is a popping move and is composed of a series of fluid movements that give the appearance that a wave is traveling through the dancer’s body.
Whichaway is a locking step. It consists of alternating twirl kicks to the sides starting with one leg and using momentum to kick the other out like a pendulum. the upper body remains stationary with the arms out in front.
This is a new school step where you lean to side and bring arem in to side lifting opposite leg then punch to front with three bounces.
Wrist Twirl
This is a locking step where the wrists twirl while moving the arms up into position.
This is one of the b-boy debatable hip-hop dance moves and is considered a basic power move. The breaker can use the momentum from a previous move or start by stabbing his elbow into his stomach and feet supported on the ground, where he kicks the opposite leg from the direction he is spinning to gain the momentum to rotate himself around onto his back and back onto his front. It is sometimes called a continuous backspin by old-school hip-hoppers.
There are various different forms of windmills:
Superman – Windmills use their hands so that the body does not touch the ground.
Bellymills – Windmills where the arms are stretched out while the torso rotates on the chest/stomach.
Criticals – The first full 360-degree rotation movement is done from a turtle or crab position. It requires a pushing motion and whipping both legs similar to a windmill but fully rotating in the air landing back into a turtle or crab position. This move was created by a group called Critical Mass Rockers.
Critical 2’s – A variant of criticals, starting from the swipe position landing nonstop into footwork or windmills or freezes.
Forearm – Windmills performed by landing back on forearms when continuing the next spin.
Windmill Critical – A variant where, in freeze position during the windmill, like Airflare 1.5 you push yourself off the ground and spin in the air back into a windmill.
Airplane/Highrises/Highrisers – A windmill but your arms high as possible and spread.
Babymills/Cork Screws/Munchmills – Windmills performed with tucked legs.
German mills/tapping mills – Windmills performed with one leg tucked on top of the other leg, the lower leg taps the ground while the upper torso rolls over similar to munch mills/baby mills. The tap leg should be the opposite of the direction the windmill is rotating, i.e. if rotating CW, the right leg taps, if rotating CCW, the left leg taps. (similar to doing a one-legged swipe).
Tombstone mills/Frankensteins – Windmills performed with piked legs.
Handcuffs – Windmills performed with your hands behind your back imitating being handcuffed. Must be performed high up on one’s back to avoid injury.
Mummies – You do a windmill but cross your arms over your chest.
Nutcracker – A windmill with your hands on your groin area.
Eggbeater – A windmill with hands on your thighs.
Barrel – A windmill where your arms make a circle as if you are hugging a barrel.
Confusions – A windmill with your hands on your ears or the side of your head.
Lotus mills – Windmills done with the legs crossed over one another, in the lotus yoga position.
Frankenstein mills – Windmills with your hands in the air almost touching your toes like Frankenstein.
Threading mills – threading while doing windmills.
Wrist Twirl
This is a locking step where the wrists twirl while moving the arms up into position.
Wrecking Shop
This step is counted 1, 2, 3 & 4. Swing arms across the body fisted facing the floor three times and lift the foot behind on count 4.
The wop is a popular hip-hop step and involves swinging the arms from side to side while the body grooves from side to side. The arms are bent with the elbows in and the step can be shown at different levels.
This is a hip-hop step. step right foot in 2nd, lift both arms up to 90 with the elbows out and the body leaning slightly back. Bend both knees and the forearms move down, keeping the elbows in place, like slamming the fists on a table. The head stays erect. Lift the body, knees release bend slightly, the right arm to LDF with the hand in a fist. Pull the right elbow in towards, bend both knees, right fist to right hip. The counting is +1+2.
Zulu Spin
The Zulu spin is a b-boy power move.
Stand on all fours, with the buttocks to the floor and the tummy to the ceiling. Extend the left leg forward with a flexed foot parallel to the floor. The right leg is well bent. The right arm swings over to the left wall and then immediately swings the left arm over to the left wall to complete a full circle.
The body will be turning because of the arms. Using this momentum keeps the leg position but the right foot will technically be jumping over the left leg. You start and end in the same position completing a full turn but without the left leg ever touching the floor.
To simplify the movement everything stays the same except that this time the left heel is placed on the floor and with the turn, the left foot will roll on the floor to end in the same position.
It is important that the buttocks never touch the floor during this movement and this movement can also be done on the opposite side.