Ballet Games For Dance Class – Make Your Dance Classes More Fun

As a teacher of ballet, it is always useful to have some ballet games for dance class that you can use on occasion to make your lessons more fun for the little ones, and also to give them a break from concentrating on technique all the time.

If you incorporate ballet games for dance class, try to do games that teach the children something relevant to the dance class they are attending, within the game.  In that way, the children are both having fun and learning at the same time.ballet games for dance class

Here are a few ideas that you can use in your dance class to get your kids going.

Ballet Games For Dance Class

Musical Chairs:

This is an old favorite ballet game for dance class and one that I use quite often.  You will, however, have problems with musical chairs if you have a child in the class who does not like to be the loser. I usually let the children who are out go and choose the next chair to take away so that it makes them feel important.

First I set out enough chairs in a row back to back for all the children to sit on. Make sure there is enough space around the chairs so the children can skip or dance around them.

I then play the music and give the children appropriate ballet steps they can do around the chairs.  Sometimes we skip, sometimes we walk with pointy toes, sometimes we run on our tippy toes and other times we march.  Now and then I also add in a pony gallop or two.

On the first round, I normally don’t remove a chair so all the children get a chance to sit on a chair when I stop the music.  I start removing chairs from the second round or as I said above I let the child who came out last remove the next chair.  She then sits and stretches while she waits for the next one to be out.ballet games dance class

Musical Statues:

The children just love this one.  It is also a very easy one for everyone to participate in.

The aim of the game is for the children to freeze when the music stops.  This teaches them to listen to music.

Once they get this right, you can give them instructions on what to do the next time the music stops.  For instance, they can balance on one leg, or touch the floor with both hands.  This teaches them to listen to instructions and remember what to do.

A great song to use for this game is The Tricky Freeze Song by Jason and Nancy Levin.

Exploring Emotions:

In this game I let them show me what sad, happy, excited, grumpy, silly and sleepy look like.

I then play the appropriate music and then say ‘be sad’ or ‘be silly.’ For older children, I play music and let them interpret what sort of emotion the music makes them feel and dance accordingly.

Clap Clap Rhythm Game:

I normally do this one at the end of a class.  All you need to do is find a lively piece of music with a chorus and a few verses. ballet games

You then give them a rhythm to clap that goes with the chorus and let them practice it a few times.  Once they have it, you can start the music.

Tell them what steps you want to see, and once the chorus comes on you shout stop and the children have to clap the rhythm that you gave them in time to the music.

This game is also great for musicality as well as reinforcing the dance steps that they learned during the class. You can also try this game using musical instruments like tambourines, symbols, drums or bells.

Concert Time:

Sometimes at the end of the class, we have a concert.

I divide the children into two groups and make one group the audience, and the other has to dance on the stage for their friends. ballet game

Give them a theme and play some appropriate music and you will be amazed at what they come up with.

Most of the children love this game, but if you have a shy child, let her stand next to you and help you pick a winner from each group.

Hula Hoops:

For this ballet game for the dance class, you will need some hula hoops – four or five of them.  Line them up in a snake type shape, with each hoop touching the next.  Count the number of jumps the children will need to get from one side to the other.

The aim is for the child to jump from one side to the other without separating their feet.  Put imaginary super glue on each child’s feet before they start.  Once they have jumped over the last hula hoop they can run around on their tippy toes and stand at the end of the line.

Once they have mastered the jumps with their feet together, you can add in pointed feet.  Then you can make a hopscotch game out of it by making them separate their feet in a certain hoop.

This teaches the children to take turns, jump and you can focus on them landing softly and on bet legs.

If you are looking for a dance plan for 3 to 5-year-olds for an entire lesson of fun, try this circus theme.

Feel free to leave any other ideas on ballet games dance class and comments you may have below dance teachers.

5 thoughts on “Ballet Games For Dance Class – Make Your Dance Classes More Fun”

  1. Great article I have always loved ballet seeing it on TV and It’s interesting to see how you incorporate the different things children should do as they learn.

    I love the chair and exploring emotions, I am an adult but if there’s one thing I truly love is listening to my body and exploring my emotions and I am sure this must be fun for the kids.  My niece does take ballet classes it’s my dream to go and watch one day.

  2. You’re a real teacher! All your strategies cater to some Multiple Intelligence Learning styles such as Musical, Visual-Spatial, and Bodily-Kinesthetic. I appreciate that you have various learning styles to strengthen visual and listening skills. You even consider your students’ behavior so that nobody would be left out in your dance class activities. 

    I honestly believe that you are well-loved because of your consideration and ability to liven up every pupils day. Your teaching style can even be adapted in a learning classroom as motivation and closing activity. Children are so lucky for belonging to your active ballet class. Keep it up and more power to you and to your ballerinas!

  3. This is one amazing thing to help kids love the ballet classes more. They all tend to enjoy what they do when it involves playing with the equipment that they learn with. 

    My daughter owns a ballet class where she takes little kids ballet lessons. I’ll suggest this post to her so she can get ideas to help teach her students. 

    • Thanks for stopping by to comment and hope your daughter finds this post useful. I find children definitely learn better if you make learning like a game.


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