Hip Problems In Dancers – The Common Ones

hip problems in dancers

The human hip area is complex and lots can go wrong if not careful, so here I have looked at hip problems in dancers. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint, and together with intricate sets of ligaments offers a ballet dancer tremendous range of motion, and at the same time also withstands great wear and … Read more

Do You Need A Ballet Turning Board To Do Good Turns?

ballet turning board

The new dance rage at the moment seems to be the ballet turning board. This board also goes by other names like dance turn board, pirouette turning board or just plain TurnBoard. It seems like this is the must have for any dancer who wants to improve their turns. Training to do pirouettes in ballet requires … Read more

How To Pirouette In Ballet – Tips and Tricks

how to pirouette in ballet

Pirouettes are one of those things in ballet that take endless practice, and there are no shortcuts when it comes to how to pirouette in ballet. Here are some tips and tricks to improve your pirouettes How To Pirouette In Ballet Tips and Tricks From the Pros Learn to turn first – form and technique … Read more

Ballet Strength Exercises and Why To Do Them

ballet strength exercises

Ballet strength exercises are really important if you are a dancer. Having a strong body is very important in your ballet dancing because a body without strength won’t be able to hold itself up, let alone move with grace. Having strength means more than the ability to pick up heavy weights.  Strength in your body defines … Read more

Grand Battement Definition and How To Do It

grand battement definition

Grand Battement Definition A grand battement definition in ballet is a controlled throwing up of the working leg to its full height, while keeping both legs straight, and then controlling the downward movement of the leg. The movement is usually done pretty quickly to music with a strong and brisk tempo. Grand battement can also … Read more

What Do Ballet Dancers Eat Before A Show?

what do ballet dancers eat

Do you ever wonder what do ballet dancers eat before a show to sustain their energy and have the stamina to finish the entire performance without fizzling out towards the end? Contrary to the belief that dancers eat nothing, they actually need to keep their stamina up and they cannot do this without something healthy … Read more