How To Do Isolations In Dance

isolations in dance

In Jazz Dancing Isolations play a huge role in the look of the dance. Isolations in dance can be done on various body parts, and the trick is to isolate those body parts without it affecting the rest of your body. Hip-hop dancers and contemporary dancers will also find that learning to do isolations can … Read more

Relevé In Ballet And Its Importance

releve in ballet

Relevé in Ballet means raised in French. In the world of ballet, the term “relevé” holds great significance. Derived from the French word meaning “raised,” relevé is a fundamental movement that ballet dancers execute by rising onto the balls of their feet. This article explores the importance and benefits of incorporating relevé into ballet training, … Read more

Best Stretching Machines for Dancers

best stretching machines

Every dancer who is serious about her career needs a good stretching machine or a good stretching program. Here are some of the best stretching machines and they can be used for dancers, gymnasts, or anybody who wants to improve their flexibility. The prices are a bit heavy in some cases, but if you are … Read more

Sprained Ankle Treatments

sprained ankle treatments

A sprained ankle is no fun to have, especially if you are a dancer. There are some sprained ankle treatments you can try, but it is still important to see a medical professional to get a proper diagnosis and treatment for your foot. This post may contain affiliate links. How Do You Sprain an Ankle? … Read more

How To Improve Ballet Technique – Especially For Teachers

how to improve ballet technique

If you teach ballet, how to improve ballet technique is usually one of the most important things on your agenda. Your well trained eye should easily pick up on incorrect ballet technique and incorrect muscle use. This should be like second nature to you, especially if you have been doing this a while. The trick … Read more

Sickled Feet In Ballet And How To Get Rid Of Them

sickled feet in ballet

Sickled feet in ballet are the bane of any dancers life. It is extremely difficult to get rid of sickled feet, especially if you have been training incorrectly for a long time. Dance teachers need to correct this in the early stages of a dancer’s training, as once the muscle memory sets in it is … Read more

Ballet Dancer Feet – Why Feet are so Important in Ballet

ballet dancer feet

What do people mean when they say you need ‘ballet dancer feet’ to be good at ballet? In ballet, when you point your foot, the line from the top of your leg to the tip of your toes must curve down towards the floor as much as possible. The higher the arch in the foot, … Read more