How To Strengthen Feet Especially For Dancers

Because feet are a very important part of our anatomy let’s look at how to strengthen feet. If we have problems with our feet, we will almost certainly have problems elsewhere in our bodies. It is a worthwhile exercise to take good care of your feet, to ensure that they stay healthy and strong well into old age. As ballet dancers, you should be taking even more care of them than the average person.

how to strengthen feetEach foot is made up of thirty-three joints, over a hundred ligaments and twenty-six bones.

It is your job to keep all your foot parts aligned properly. You can help your feet by learning to lift your arches, spread your toes and center your weight over your entire foot.

Learning to do this will help your muscles to move better, your spine to stack as it should, your core to engage and your posture to improve.

Here are some easy exercises that you can do to strengthen your feet and in turn help the rest of your body.

How To Strengthen Feet

Improve Your Ankle Stability

Start by lying on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip distance apart. Your feet should be about sixty centimeters away from your butt.

Lift your toes so that only your heels are on the floor and your feet are flexed. Then from your heel to the tips of your toes, slowly roll your feet to the ground and lift your heels until only your pointed toes are on the ground. Repeat the entire process about ten times.

Strengthen Those Arches

Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip distance apart. Your feet should be about sixty centimeters from your butt. Lift both arches and draw your toes in towards your heels.

Then relax the arches and slide your heels towards your butt flattening your feet. Repeat this process until your heels are close to your butt. This movement resembles a caterpillar.

Now reverse and take your heels towards your toes. Your toes should flatten and spread as the arches flatten. Continue until you are back to where you started. Repeat the above process three times.

strengthen feet

Stretch The Ligaments In Your Feet And Work On Your Alignment

Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your left knee ninety degrees and place the outside of your left calf on the top of your right thigh. Having supple feet is super important.

Interlace your right fingers with your left toes. Spread your fingers and inch them forward until your toes are webbing out between your fingers. Close your hand and let your foot totally relax. Keep holding your foot and make large circles with your ankles. Do six circles in one direction and then six in the other before switching feet.

Strengthen Your Ankles And Promote Correct Gait

Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip distance apart. Your feet should be about sixty centimeters from your butt.

Roll your feet onto their inside edges keeping the insides of your big toes on the ground so that your feet look like wings.

Next, roll your feet to their outer edges so that the outsides of your pinkies and heels are on the floor. Repeat this process slowly walking your feet away from each other until they are between sixty and ninety centimeters apart, then walk them back together. Do three sets as described above.

That’s it. It doesn’t take to much when it comes to how to strengthen the feet and keep those feet healthy, so make sure to schedule a little foot time into your busy week.

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