How To Improve Ballet Technique – Especially For Teachers

how to improve ballet technique

If you teach ballet, how to improve ballet technique is usually one of the most important things on your agenda. Your well trained eye should easily pick up on incorrect ballet technique and incorrect muscle use. This should be like second nature to you, especially if you have been doing this a while. The trick … Read more

Sickled Feet In Ballet And How To Get Rid Of Them

sickled feet in ballet

Sickled feet in ballet are the bane of any dancers life. It is extremely difficult to get rid of sickled feet, especially if you have been training incorrectly for a long time. Dance teachers need to correct this in the early stages of a dancer’s training, as once the muscle memory sets in it is … Read more

Cecchetti Ballet Technique – How Did It All Start

cicchetti ballet technique

If you are training in ballet, you most probably know that the two largest training organizations in the world are the Royal Academy of Dance and Cecchetti Ballet Technique. I have done an entire article that you can read here on the Royal Academy, as I teach this method. However, the Cecchetti ballet technique is … Read more

Ballets Secret Code

ballets secret code

I thought I just had to share this documentary called Ballets Secret Code with you all, as ballet is becoming more and more competitive each year with dancers working their bodies to do the impossible. Sometimes it is good to remember that solid technique is always the best so that you don’t injure yourself trying … Read more

A Cinderella Theme Class To Teach

cinderella theme

Here are some ideas on how to teach a class with a Cinderella Theme going. This post is aimed at dance teachers who teach small children, but this type of class will also work for pre school, kindermusic and even gynmastics classes for small children. When I teach my tiny tots ballet class, I always … Read more

Coordination in Dance and How We Can Improve on It?

coordination in dance

In order to improve our coordination in dance we first need to understand exactly what coordination is. So let’s start with . . . What Is Coordination? Coordination simply explained is basically the teamwork between your muscles and your conscious thoughts, to make movements possible, whether it be a familiar or a new movement. When … Read more