Coordination in Dance and How We Can Improve on It?

coordination in dance

In order to improve our coordination in dance we first need to understand exactly what coordination is. So let’s start with . . . What Is Coordination? Coordination simply explained is basically the teamwork between your muscles and your conscious thoughts, to make movements possible, whether it be a familiar or a new movement. When … Read more

Maslow Developmental Stages And How To Use Them In Your Teaching

Maslow developmental stages

Have you heard of Maslow? The Maslow developmental stages are a great method to use when teaching your younger children in particular. Let’s see why they work so well. Here are the Maslow Hierarchy needs explained. Who Was Maslow? Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist who was best known for creating Maslow’s hierarchy of … Read more

How To Stretch Your Body And Avoid Injury

how to stretch your body

Let’s look at how to stretch your body safely and avoid injury, or as a dance teacher to make sure your dancers know how to stretch correctly. It is sad that so many children I teach at the moment have been over stretched in the past and are now suffering with chronic joint pain as … Read more

How To Improve Ballet Technique – Tips

how to improve ballet technique tips

How to improve ballet technique and having perfect Ballet Technique is a quest that all dancers are aiming for, as without good technique, your ballet dancing won’t look like it should. In this blog post, I will explain what ballet technique is and will explain how to improve ballet technique. What Is Ballet Technique? You can … Read more

How To Get An Assisted Stretching Certification

assisted stretching certification

If you are a dance teacher, I am sure you want to know the latest and safest techniques to stretch and strengthen your students. Thanks to the power of the internet, you can now get an assisted stretching certification online. The assisted stretching certification course I am going to tell you about was designed by … Read more